If you go to an event you must plan ahead of time and dress accordingly. Something that really annoys me about certain people is their lack of ability to know how to dress for a function. Do you go to weddings wearin jeans? If so, you’re an idiot. Even going out to a restaurant… if it’s upscale restaurant, don’t wear the sweatshirt you have on at the gym. The best part of going out is being part of the atmosphere. YOU’RE RUINING THE FANTASY!

So, the biggest fashion do is plan ahead. If you’re unsure of what to wear… ask someone. Also, the same goes for makeup… certain eyeshadows are inappropriate for funerals and what not.

Some people like to believe they’re a know it all about fashion and style. I… am one of them. So, I want to develop a list that will be ever-evolving about fashion do’s and fashion  nevers. Everyone should add a little bit of what they feel is in style and what they feel is not. Anything from clothing to cosmetics must be discussed. Don’t write a novel, but rather a quick discussion of what’s hot or not. Thanks!!!

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October 2, 2006

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